
We understand the direct impacts mining has on the environment due to the need to access land and water resources. Indirect impacts can also result from other mining- related infrastructure required in and around the area where we operate. Our environmental controls and procedures enable us to proactively identify and manage the potential environmental risks associated at the operational level and meet our compliance obligations and voluntary commitments.

These efforts encompass:

  • A deep culture of environmental stewardship
  • Responsible and efficient water management
  • Biodiversity action planning
  • Improving our energy efficiency and associated costs and lowering emissions
  • Prioritising responsible waste and tailings management with a goal to ensure zero harm
  • Continuous monitoring assurance centred around adaptive management response
  • A positive contribution to the environmental conditions in the surrounding community areas


A commitment to environmental protection is part of our core approach to doing business and reflected both as a shared and individual responsibility. This is reflected in our biodiversity offsets and rehabilitation programme which includes the mine’s Oil Palm Plantation (OPP) Programme. Established in 2006 as an independent non-profit, the community-based company balances company and community needs, including local economic development, community empowerment, and rehabilitation and closure activities. Partners in the project include Traditional Authorities, affected farmers, and the agroforestry industry.

Voluntary commitments to International Standards

We align with the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs) of the World Gold Council and recognise the international standards for responsible mining. We further support progress toward global efforts such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the requirement of the International Council for Mining and Metals (ICMM)’s Mining Principles and Performance Expectations (PEs) that define good practice in the areas of environmental, social and governance.

Oil Palm Plantation

A commitment to environmental protection is part of our core approach to doing business and reflected both as a shared and individual responsibility. This is reflected in our biodiversity offsets and rehabilitation programme which includes the mine’s award-winning Oil Palm Plantation (OPP) Programme. Established in 2006 as an independent non-profit, the community-based company balances company and community needs, including local economic development, community empowerment, and rehabilitation and closure activities.


  • Recognise that mining operations can have adverse impacts on biodiversity, especially when located near or within areas of high 
 biodiversity value and/or protected areas.
  • Recognise the growing expectations that investors and other stakeholders place on biodiversity impacts and their associated
  • Ensure impact identification studies and associated management plans are developed and integrated into our overall environmental
 management practices.

Sustainability reporting

Our sustainability reporting helps to highlight our sustainability related achievements to date and our objectives in the coming years. Reports will be prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards core option, including the Mining and Metals Sector Supplement and Sustainability Accounting Standard (SASB Standards).